200 Waverly St.
Morris, IL 60450
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Where Elliott Manor Is Located
Currently, Morris has one of the few prospering downtowns in Illinois. Visitors and shoppers come from a distance to enjoy the tranquil small town shopping atmosphere.
In addition to the downtown, Morris has outlying businesses such as motels, a theater, restaurants, a furniture store, 2 drug stores, boat sales, 3 grocery stores, hardware stores, banquet hall, and a Super Walmart.
Morris enjoys the benefit of being the Grundy County seat and has a large hospital and modern schools. Morris has many small parks, ball diamonds, tennis courts, 2 golf courses, and a swimming pool as well as the Gebhard Woods State Park and the Stratton State Park for boat launching on the Illinois River.
Morris is situated along the Illinois River at the intersections of State Routes 6 and 47 and Interstate 80.